Sugar is sick


Our poor fur baby has been so sick today 🙁 I haven’t had her this sick since she was a baby and had parvo when we adopted her from the local shelter.

She woke us up at 5 am with awful diarrhea (let’s just say I have to shampoo the carpet) Daddy took her outside while mommy cleaned up all the accidents. My poor baby. We all went back to sleep for a little bit. When we got back up I took my Sugar for a long walk, poor thing 🙁 it was just awful.

So I got online with some of my Young Living Oil friends to find out what I could do for her. What I was able to find out was that the Di-Gize oil blend is very good for doggie diarrhea, but I didn’t have any so instead I added 1-2 drops of Thieves oil, Peppermint oil & Lavender oil to about 1tsp of olive oil & rubbed on her front paws & gently massaged onto her belly.

Then my vet friend told me that there is a bad strain of parvo going around that is even taking down vaccinated adult dogs and that no medicine was working so she was trying some alternative treatments and she was having some luck with Slippery Elm. Well hopefully it’s not parvo again :@ oh that was a nightmare when she was a baby.

I couldn’t find just slippery elm bark tea, so I used Throat Coat organic tea instead as it has a high amount of slippery elm bark, which helps to coat & sooth her innards.

I started Sugar on about 1 cup of chicken broth an hour. Then after she kept the first 3 down I mixed a half cup herbal tea with a half cup chicken broth, which she lapped down quite well. After 2 more cups of the herbal tea mixture I added a tbs of D Earth and 2 tbs of her normal dog food into her cup of tea broth. She took that well and started to perk up.

I increased the amount of dog food mixed with the slippery elm tea & chicken broth a few more times before bedtime. I applied the herbal mixture I mentioned above one more time before her last walk.

She seems to be doing much better tonight, although not 100% yet. Hopefully she will do better tomorrow. Il’l continue her oil massages 2 times a day and her herbal tea until she is herself again, which will hopefully be soon.

Boy it’s been a week that’s for sure! Last week we got Holly moved to Dallas

A few days later she calls to tell us her car won’t start :/ hopefully it’s just the battery, but we’ve got to wait until the next payday to send her the money for one.

A few days later our hot water heater died & it’s going to be $700-$900+ to replace it! Geeze! I never would have thought it would be as much for a 6gal RV hot water tank as it was for the 50 gal one we had installed in our old home. So, since I don’t have that money just lying around I’ve had to boil water for dishes & baths. What fun :/

The next day while I was cleaning out our black water tank some tp I guess got jammed in the tube and water flowed back into the bathroom before I could get the water shut off 🙁 yuck! So I spent 2 days cleaning that mess up! And yea we need to replace the toilet too, it’s usable but broke. That’s $200+

With it starting to get warmer we are going to have to replace the a/c before it gets too hot as it died after last year. That’s about $1200-$1500+ for a new unit.

Then my Sugar gets sick 🙁 so it’s been one heck of a week! But that’s ok! Because God is good all the time and He will somehow help us get everything we need. I’m just thankful we are blessed enough to have this RV to live in. When I do get discouraged from so many thinks going wrong I think of Job from the Bible and what he went through.

So no matter what happens God is still awesome & amazing. And I’m still believing for a new 2 bedroom 5th wheel with slides so our Stormy will finally have a little space and not have to sleep in the living room and we will have a bit more room & storage. 🙂

Till next time,
Enjoy your Journey 🙂
God Bless

Rachele T

Sugar gets a bath!

Gave our dog, Sugar, a much needed bath this morning. She was a little on the smelly side :/ She did very well, I think she rather enjoyed it actually. I like to use dawn dish soap and Dr Bronners lavender soap on her. The Dawn is gentle on her skin and kills the fleas, the Dr Bronners makes her smell very nice. I noticed to that her skin eczema has almost completely cleared up since we switched to an all natural dog food with Salmon.
